Tuesday, April 01, 2025
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Table Tennis
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Basketball is a sport team including two teams (each team has 5 players) on a rectangular field 28 x 15 m, cross the border between two end tables to put a basketball court, at a height of 3.05 m fitted with a round metal basket, 0.45 m diameter mesh bottoms hanging 0.45 m long.
Basketball is a sport team including two teams (each team has 5 players) on a rectangular field 28 x 15 m, cross the border between two end tables to put a basketball court, at a height of 3.05 m fitted with a round metal basket, 0.45 m diameter mesh bottoms hanging 0.45 m long.

Players pass the ball and throw your hands into the opponent's basket to win the point. Time 40 minutes a game (not including downtime ball) for adults, 28 minutes for players under 15 years of age.
The game has 2 innings, 10 minute break between the second half. If 2 teams in the same competition must add 2 extra, extra 5 minutes each. Rest 2 minutes between 2 associations.

Basketball was born in 1891 in the U.S., then spread to throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia.

The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) founded in 1932, has 176 member federations of the country until 1990.

In 1936 men's basketball was included in the Olympic program. In Vietnam, basketball appeared in the 30s of the twentieth century. Primarily developed in some big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ninh ... Vietnam Basketball Federation is a member of FIBA.
Article 2 - Golf
2.1 The field
The field is flat , hard , no obstacles , length 28 m . 15m width . Calculated from the edge of the border .
2.2 Backyard
The backyard of one of the teams that include basketball , backboard and the front of the field is limited by the baseline behind the opponent's basket , the two borders along the edges and in the middle of the road near the opponent's basket .
2.4 Lines
All lines are drawn with white , 5cm in width and be seen clearly.
2.4.1 Border
The field is limited by : Last two field boundaries , both along the border . This is the line in the play yard .
2.4.2 The midfield , center circle and half circle two free throws .
Yard line drawn between 2 points along the boundary between the two , parallel to the baseline and 2 extended 15cm each side . Midline of the back yard .
Center circle drawn in the middle of the game field and have a radius of 1.80 m from the outer edge of the circle . If the inner circle painted , shall be painted the same color as the two areas is limited.
Two free throw semi-circle is drawn on the field of play, there is a radius of 1.80 m from the outer edge of the circle and the center point between the free throw line .
2.4.3 Two free throw line , two limited areas and the competitive position while throwing the ball fine .
3.60 m long free throw line . drawn parallel to the baseline , the outer edge of the free throw line in the edge of the baseline is 5.80 m . the midpoint of the free throw line on a straight line between the two points of the baseline .
Two areas are limited to two rectangles drawn on the game field , which is limited by the free throw line extended length is 4.90 m and a line on the baseline to the baseline between points 2 , 45m from the edge of the restricted area . this line , including the baseline of the area are limited . inside the restricted area to be painted .
The picturesque area ball when throwing himself along the brittle -term sector .
2.4.4 Area 3 points
Area 3 is the whole point of the game field . , Except for the area near the opponent's basket . And are limited as follows :
Two parallel lines perpendicular to the baseline , with a length of 2.99 m and the outer edge of a straight line along the edge of the border is 0.90 m .
An arc is centered around the projection of the center of the basket and the opponent has a radius of 6.75 m from the outer edge of the arc . The center of the basket ring from the edge of the midpoint of the baseline is 1,575 m . arc will be in contact with two parallel lines .
2.4.5 Two of the team bench area
Two of the team bench area are guys playing in the yard and is limited by the line.
In the team bench area with 14 seats for coaches, trainers deal , expected to be athletes and teams who follow . Others will sit behind the team bench and at least 2m .
2.4.6 Outline border tee
Two 15- cm line is drawn outside the stadium along the border opposite the desk clerk . Outer edge of this line from the edge of the baseline in the 8,325 m last .
2.4.7 Area semicircle no attack errors .
Half circle no attack errors on the game field and who are limited to :
A semi-circle with a radius of 1.25 m from the edge of the half circle and is centered around the basket mental projection . Half circle contact :
Two parallel lines perpendicular to the baseline length is 37.5 cm and the side of the reference point of interest within the basket is 1.25 m , and the inner edge of the baseline is 1.20 m .
Semi-circular area no attack errors ended by imaginary lines parallel straight just under the front edge of the backboard .
The line of semi-circular no attack errors do not belong to the area of the circle again no attack errors .
Chapter 3 - Team:

Article 3 - Equipment
Have the following equipment :
- The basketball table :
• Table
• Round Basket ( with built in pressure relief ) and net.
• Pillar shield basket there .
- Basketball .
- Watches play .
- Transcripts .
- 24- second clock .
- Clock stops for time to consult .
- Two separate audio signal , clearly different and big .
- A score.
- The individual errors .
- Table error teammates .
- Rotating arrow tee .
- Market competition .
- The field .
- Proper lighting .